Monday, August 25, 2008

Steamperk Coffee - The Pause that Refreshes

It was late, and I badly needed a little caffeine to stay away long enough to type my copy for the evening, or my editor would have my hide. I decided it was time to visit the new Steamperk Coffee shop in the Steampunk Resource Centre.

As I mentioned earlier, the shop is located conveniently across the road from my humble abode - the yellow house that can be seen outside the entrance.

It was but a minute to stumble out of my house, red-eyed and grumpy, and get a steaming cup of coffee in my hands.

I spent a few moments chatting with Miss Beaumont, the proprietress (the steampunk angel in the background of the picture below). I complimented her on the redesign while practically inhaling the coffee. My visit was a little less harrowing for the proprietress than that of a prior customer .

Thus re-energized, I went back to work before nodding off at my desk...again. Sometimes I wonder why I have a bed?

As it turns out, the coffee shop is not the only new addition to the SRC. On the ground level, just outside the entrance, is The Magic Mirror, an Artificial Intelligence, of some sort.

Now, it's clear there is a great need for additional Intelligence in this world of ours - just look at the amount of bling out there - and the Artificial sort might just be an improvement over the God-given variety. I shall have to try it out shortly.

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