It looked like New Babbage. The sign said I was in New Babbage. I recognized The Clarendon, where Mr. Edward Pearse would be spinning his wax cylinders. And yet... that craft in front of The Clarendon did not look like it belonged in Babbage. Naturally, I went in anyway.

It seemed that this edition of Bedlam in Babbage was taking place in space, in a part of the timestream unfamiliar to me. Although I wasn't dressed for the occasion - people in the future will dress oddly, it seems - I joined the festivities.
Dr. Watson (Elilke Sieyes) and Mr. Holmes (Elina Koskinen)
Inspector Beth Lestrade (Miss Robin Thorr)
Mr. Blackberry Harvey
Miss Mariah Lanfier (left) and Miss Scarlet Jaggernov (right)
Our DJ, Mr. Pearse, floating along in zero gravity
Your humble journalist
Mr. Jorge Serapis
Soon I had to return for tea at Chez Jameson, so I made my farewells and attempted to navigate the timestream back to 18__ Caledon . I heard one last piece of advice as I departed: "Avoid the 20th Century!"
I want an Eagle so freakin' much!
It already landed, I'm afraid. :)
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