On Saturday, in New Babbage, Clockwinder Tenk auctioned off a number of parcels of "prime industrial land" in Wheatstone Waterways for the benefit of Relay for Life. Each parcel came with a month of tier on the meter.

Mr. Rip Wirefly was the auctioneer for the afternoon, keeping the bids rising.

The auction attracted quite a crowd, including a number of spirited bidders, Mr. Jonathon Spires (right) and Master Jimmy Branagh (center) among them.

Also bidding (and winning) were Miss Cutea Benelli and Mr. Steadman Kondor.

The Clockwinder (left) sits by Master Tepic Harlequin.

Although the bids on the parcels started out modestly, some parcels attracted bidding wars - in one case, starting from a mere L$500, bidders drove the price above L$5000. In all, L$27,000 was raised for RFL, and an entire section of Wheatstone Waterways received new owners. Well done!

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