At any rate, I did pop in on two different days, once for a quick look around and the second to see a few specific builds. One was Loki Eliot's build for Escapades Island.
A gigantic green dinosaur with a pink bunny, a medieval village, and a creature wearing boxing gloves fit in with Loki's sense of whimsy. I didn't take the HUD, so I don't know what other goodies were in store for those who did, but it was a fun build.
Nearby was the build for Single-Frame Stories, by Whiskey Monday and Botgirl Questi. They post a weekly topic, and contributors make a single picture on the topic.
Lots of great pictures - some very evocative, some I don't understand, but hey, that's life.
I also hit up Crap Mariner's Shatoetry build. William Shatner, in an effort to expand his empire, has an iOS app with him speaking various words. Users create phrases and sentences and the app "speaks" them in Shatner's voice. Crap has been creating Shatoetry for some time now. For SL10B, he invited people to create Second Life-themed Shatoetry, which he collected for the build. (I submitted one some time ago, but I don't know what happened to it. No doubt I screwed up an instruction.) [Edit 6/28: I apparently lost my ability to read text, because there it was. Ah well.]
Finally, next to Crap's build was the Corn Field, the legendary "time out" zone for punishing naughty avatars. While the original was cut off from the rest of the grid, this one was just a short walk away.
The boredom! The boredom! Fortunately, there's television:
Unfortunately, it shows nothing but a test pattern.
Strange... yours is in there as #147
I'll doublecheck tonight.
I think we now know the explanation: I have old, tired eyes and didn't see it in the list. As usual, operator error. :)
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