Thursday, October 24, 2013

Return to Mulberry

You exit the dark tunnel to find yourself in a small town. It seems deserted. Walking by crumbling buildings and sagging fences, you judge that no one has cared for the town in quite some time, even if the place appeared to be populated until recently. Next to the school, on the ground, lie body bags, all occupied. As you continue to explore the town, however, you discover that those souls have not departed - not entirely, at least... The school, the rail station, the carnival - all are haunted by those who have met violent deaths. Your unease grows. Is the killer still there?

The Abandoned 001
The first view of town

Mulberry - The Abandoned is a reworking of the haunted town I visited several years ago. The owner and designer, Mr. Lou Mannock, kindly invited me back to see the changes. Whereas much of the action in the old build took place in the woods, here the town is the center of attention.Everywhere where is evidence of ghastly happenings, both in the physical world and beyond.

The Abandoned 003
A less-than-quiet cemetery

Mulberry is open through Nov. 6.

The Abandoned 004
Bodies laid out - but by whom?

The Abandoned 005
Indications of Satanic activity?

The Abandoned 006
He's just hanging around

The Abandoned 007
Under the big top

The Abandoned 008
The train station

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