Sunday, June 12, 2011

An Early Summer Day in Mayfair

[One of the things that limits the typist's time in Second Life is an increasing inability to sit at the keyboard for lengthy stretches. Some days are better than others. Some days it's not physically possible to have a grand adventure; on those days, a simple walk, usually in Caledon, is what both body and soul need. Victorian-inspired architecture, manicured gardens, and a restorative sit in a park are often what the doctor ordered. - RJ]

Mayfair, one of Caledon's finest neighborhoods. Here are a few sights from a recent walk.

The gazebo and swing set can be shared with that special someone. Out of the picture to the right are several iron chairs in the shape of butterflies. It's a relaxing spot.

The Mayfair branch of the Caledon Library system (named for Mme. Marie Curie) also provide a place for patrons to sit and read a book in the warm summer air.

This church near the maze (to the far left in the picture) provides an opportunity for quiet reflection.

And where else but the Steamlands can one look at a church and see a floating residence in the background?

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