Just outside the area of the mines is this piece of technology - it appears to be able to monitor the entire state of Caledon!
The mine itself is still used, but the features that immediately catch the eye are the remnants of a much older species.
Below, the modern mine apparatus.
Automated trams move the cavorite along a purpose-made tunnel.
Below the operating level of the mine is an older cavern, filled with drawings on the wall of a technology unknown to us.
Some of the equipment still works, though its purpose is unknown.
I took the elevator out of the mine shaft - pressing the button for the top floor takes one to a space ship, docked high above the mines!
If you visit, do consider a small donation for the continued operation of the mines. With new forms of transportation continually being developed by scientists in the Steamlands, the price of cavorite continues to fall. Keep this historic part of Caledon alive!
Ye gods and little fishes, i thought this place had closed down a year or more ago! Good to see it is still in operation!
We can't shut the mines - where else could we find a cheap source of cavorite?
(Seriously, the mines are now under the care of Baron Wulfenbach and donations support the continued existence of the mines. I drop in some Lindens when I'm in the neighborhood.)
(That is, Linden dollars. Some residents would find the deepest part of the mines and drop in actual Lindens, but I'm a nice person.)
Ahh, that's who had it last i recall - it sometimes feels like a whole lifetime since I left SL rather than just a year :-)
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