Sunday, January 9, 2011

Caledon Consolidates

During ISC chat the other night I learned that Caledon Perenelle is no more, and that Eyre and the Highlands have been converted to homestead sims.

I had wondered how long the Guvnah would tolerate so many empty parcels; now I know the answer.

I hope this is the only round of consolidation for Caledon, but my fear is that we've just seen the beginning.


Batou said...

I concur madam - with the economic difficulties, I would say that The Guv has tried his best to maintain Caledon at its current size, but alas, business is business, and is having to do what is necessary for the great good.

Aunt Foggy said...

My understanding is that the current size with the consolidations and conversions puts us in a good place. Everything in SL is LL willing of course - one cannot ever tell what delight the lab might be cooking up for us :)

Edward Pearse said...

I knew Perenelle had been folded into Eyre but I'm disappointed to learn that the Highlands has been homesteaded.

*drinks a toast to past environs*

Rhianon Jameson said...

I agree, Dr. Fabre, the Guv does as he must.

Mrs. Volare - I certainly hope that Caledon is now in a good place. I suppose that one nice thing about starting with 50 sims is that there are a lot of options to weather a downturn. But yes, the Lab does seem to have a knack for throwing its customers a curveball every once in a while.

I'll drink to that, Mr. Pearse. Perenelle was perhaps star-crossed, but I've always enjoyed Eyre (maybe shopping at To-a-T did it :) ) and the Highlands seemed to fit it so well with Caledon's themes.

The odd thing was that I would never have known if I hadn't been listening to ISC chat when someone brought it up. I wish there were a better way for the Guv to disseminate information to those of us not in his time zone.