Still, I'm a trouper.
After leaving Piermont Landing in a somewhat disheveled condition, I made my way to the next stop, the Rusty Nut.
The Rusty Nut, Wheatstone Waterways
The Sneaky Vole was en route, but didn't seem to be part of the pub crawl proper. Still, it seemed bad manners not to make a quick stop for a bottle of ale.
The Sneaky Vole, Babbage Canals
From there, it was just a hop, skip, and jump (or, more properly, a hic, stumble, and fall) to Ruby's, Cafe de Paris, Loki Absinthe, the Red Cat (where I was served a bottle of water, of all things), and, at last, the Rusty Cog for one last nip.
Ruby's, Babbage Canals
Cafe de Paris, Babbage Canals
Loki Absinthe, Babbage Square
Now that I'm done with the pub crawl, my feet are killing me and I have a greater appreciation for the thirst of Babbagers. Please excuse me while I find the Tamrannoch sanitarium and dry out for about a month.
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