Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Clanks and Kraken in Caer Firnas

I had heard a rumor that Caer Firnas had been infested by zombies and air kraken. Never one to shirk my civic duty, I visited the duchy, heavily armed.

I saw no zombies, though I did see several air kraken, patrolling near the cloud layer.

Oddly, however, Caer Firnas seemed to be guarded by a population of clanks. I first encountered the unusual sight of a steel cloud, raining on this lonely snowman:

This creature stood tall on enormous legs...

...while this one stood guard, showing his patriotism.

As I said, I saw no zombies, but perhaps this is why: a freshly-dug grave. Was it full of zombies?

Or perhaps the Volares got rid of a few other unwanted guests?


Vivito Volare said...


There is absolutely nothing buried beneath that conspicuous pile of earth

Rhianon Jameson said...

Oops. I supposed I should have let sleeping bodies lie...not dig too deeply into the issue...just gone whistling past the graveyard...