Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winterfell Anodyne

An "anodyne" is a pain-relieving agent - often thought of as a narcotic, though the definition is more general. In one sense, this name fits in with other Winterfell regions, such as Absinthe and Laudandum. The name is also fitting for a region that rose as a result of the consolidation resulting from the Openspace price increase/performance decrease, to the extent that the region is a pallative (itself an apt word: something that relieves pain without curing the underlying illness) for those affected by the changes.

While the region is still under development, I thought I would fly over in the Hangover One to see it. The first two pictures are of Eva Bellambi's property, dubbed the Isle of Skye. (I raise a glass of Talisker to Her Grace!)

The interior of the region appears to be for sale.

Carntaigh rises again:

Miss Hypatia Callisto has an ArtSeduction store here.

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