Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Dr. Mason recently introduced his readers to the land called Belhaven, and its owners, Countess Eve and the late Count Diablo. His tale involved a demon, and his brother Marcus, and...well, one can read it one's self. (Part 2 here) (Part 3 here) (Part 4 here) .

In the spirit of adventure, I traveled to day, the only time I dared go. As it happened, Countess Eve and Count Marcus were out, but I took a look - and a few photographs.

The tower-like castle dominates the land:

If you're going to have a White Elephant sale, you need a white elephant (taken at an earlier date, with snow on the ground):

The home of Metal Isle Industries looked intriuging, but turned out to be empty:

Not all was lost, however. I found the 9 Muses brewery to be in fine operation. "Jusht one martini, Barkeep! Thash my limit!"
As far as I can tell, the Curse of Belhaven is what one suffers after drinking that martini. If you'll pardon me, I need a cold compress.

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