Sunday, April 19, 2009

Clockwork Masquerade Ball for RFL - 2

More from the Clockwork Ball.

By some reckoning, Clockwork + masquerade = A Clockwork Orange, and two guests applied their creativity to that end. Below, Miss Garnet Psaltery:

Miss Psaltery as the definitive clockwork orange.

Mr. Alastair Whybrow also went incognito, though his clockwork orange was noggin-sized:

Mr. Whybrow dances.

Mr. Icarus Ghost and Miss Kiralette Kelley.

Miss Shauni Farella and Miss Gabrielle Riel.

Miss Magdalena Kamenev.

Miss Jylatia Wirefly dances with Mr. Numinus Quandry.

Mr. Eclectric Breitman unleashes his inner insect.

I certainly enjoyed my time at the ball, and hope the fundraising aspect was as successful as the entertainment. Other action figures will be joining the set available last night - if I heard correctly, Mr. Iason Hassanov is creating them - and will be available for purchase to benefit RFL.

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