Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Stroll in the Downs and South End

I discovered why Mr. Mannonen had been clearing his lot - he sold it! My new neighbor is Miss Shana Pearl, whom I have not yet met. I shall miss having the property change form with the phases of the moon, as Mr. Mannonen was wont to do. It always gave one something to look forward to when returning home after a long journey.

Down the hill, I could see into South End, and something looked...different. It hit me: the animals were gone! I could not recall who created the beasts, but one could purchase a variety of whimsical creatures just across the border in South End. Today, I found a pair of greenhouses with Miss Grizot's Flowers by Sylvie.

The Hatpins location (removed to Glengarry), if I am not mistaken, was replaced by Miss Fotherington's Auds and Ends house.

What I seemed to recall was the original location of Auds and Ends is still owned by Miss F., but is now a charming stone cottage, and a fruit (mimosa?) tree.
If that weren't enough, Miss F. owns the adjacent properties, too - she will be the land baroness of South End!

All these changes made my head hurt, so I retired to a dark room with a cold compress and some medicine.


itsdavidvc said...

A stone house...on a wooden pier?

Rhianon Jameson said...

Yes, well, have a sharp eye, Doctor. Perhaps given Caledon's notorious geological instability, perhaps the wooden pier makes sense. And no use letting good stones go to waste, if they were salvaged from a previous cottage, right?